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In [22]:
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity="none"
def f(globals, locals):
    import base64
    exec(base64.b64decode(code), globals, locals)
f(globals(), locals())
del f

Lecture 8, Lab A: More Recursion

All of today's exercises should use recursion, unless the question says otherwise. As taught in lecture, make sure to always define your base case(s) and recursive case(s).

In [ ]:
# Run this cell so you can check your answers below
def check(actual, expected):
    if expected != actual:
            f"Function should return the value {expected}, it is returning the value {actual}")
        print(f"Congratulations, the test case passed!")


Count how many words that start with a capital letter the string contains.

In [ ]:
def how_many_capital_words(sentence):
    """Returns the number of capital words in the sentence.

    Input: sentence (str).
    Output: The number of capital words in sentence (int).

    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
# Test cases.
check(how_many_capital_words("I like jamcoders"), 1)
check(how_many_capital_words("i like Jamcoders a Lot"), 2)

1. Recursion with Lists

1.1 sort_pairs

Given a list of pairs of integers, sort each member of the pair in ascending order.

Feel free to skip this question.

In [ ]:
def sort_pairs(lst):
    """Sorts each pair within lst, modifying the pairs themselves.

    Input: A list of pairs (List[Pair[int, int]]).
    Output: None. The function should modify the pairs.
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
check(sort_pairs([[1, 3], [5, 2], [3, 0]]), [[1, 3], [2, 5], [0, 3]])
check(sort_pairs([]), [])

1.2 deep_add

Add all the integers in the list (whose elements might also be lists of lists).

In [ ]:
def deep_add(lst):
    """Finds the sum of all integers in a list whose members may be other lists.

    Input: A deep list, whose elements are integers or other deep lists.
    Output: The sum of all integers (int).
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
# Test cases.
check(deep_add([3, 5, [1, 3], 6]), 18)
check(deep_add([2]), 2)

1.3 replace_nat

Unfortunately, Natnael can't. However, there's a good replacement, Jabari. In the following list, replace every instance of Natnael with Jabari. (Make sure the test passes!)

In [ ]:
def replace_nat(lst):
    """Replace every instance of "Natnael" in lst with "Jabari".

    Input: lst, the original list of names (List[str]).
    Output: A list with all names replaced (List[str]).
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
check(replace_nat(["Barak", "Mansingh", "Nelson", "Jabari"]), ["Barak", "Mansingh", "Nelson", "Tyler"])

1.4 find_max_population

The following is a list of places in Jamaica and their population. Each entry is a list with two elements: the first is the name of the place, and the second is the population.

[("Spanish Town", 147152),("Kingston", 1041203), ("Montego Bay", 110115), ("Portmore", 182153)].

The function should return the population of the most populous city.

Note: Do not use the max function.

In [ ]:
def find_max_population(lst):
    """Finds the population of the place with the maximum population in a list of places.

    Input: A list of city pairs. The first element in a place pair is the name
           of the place, and the second element is the population
           (List[Pair[str, int]]).

    Output: The population of the place with the greatest population (int).
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
check(find_max_population([("Spanish Town", 147152),("Kingston", 1041203), ("Montego Bay", 110115), ("Portmore", 182153)]), 1041202)

2. Recursion and Counting

2.1 count_arrangements

Suppose there are $N$ students in JamCoders. How many different ways can the students sit in the computer lab assuming there are only $N$ places to sit?

Hint: Suppose there are $5$ students ($N = 5$). Then, in the first seat, there are $5$ students who can sit in that seat. In the second seat, there are $4$ remaining students who can sit in that seat. In the third, there are $3$ remaining possible students, and so on. So the total number of arrangements of students is $5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 5! = 120$.

> Input: N = 5
> Output: 120

Seems like we have countless options to rearrange your seats! :)

In [ ]:
def count_arrangements(N):
    """Computes the number of arrangements of students, given N students and N seats.

    Input: N, the number of students and seats (int).
    Output: The number of arrangements of students(int).
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here
In [ ]:
# Test cases.
check(count_arrangements(5), 120)
check(count_arrangements(20), 2432902008176640000)
check(count_arrangements(1), 1)

3. Challenge Problems

3.1 print_pyramid

Print the following pyramids for the corresponding $N$'s.

N = 1:
N = 2:
# #
# # 
N = 3:
# # #
# #
# # 
# # #

Hint: Notice that the N=2 pyramid is contained within the N=3 pyramid.

Test your result with different values of N.

In [ ]:
def print_pyramid_desc_asc(N):
    """Prints an descending-ascending pyramid with height N*2.
    Input: N, half the height of the pyramid (int).
    Output: Prints the pyramid. Returns None.
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here

3.2 print_pyramid_2

Print the following pyramids for the corresponding heights.

height = 1:
height = 2:
# #
# #
height = 3:
# #
# # #
# # #
# # 

and so on.

Test your result with different heights.

Hint: you might need to define a helper function that takes two arguments.

In [ ]:
def print_pyramid_asc_desc(height):
    """Prints an ascending-descending pyramid with height N*2.
    Input: N, half the height of the pyramid (int).
    Output: Prints the pyramid. Returns None.
    # Write your base case here

    # Write your recursive/other cases here

4 More Challenges

4.1 How many assignments?

Suppose there are $n$ students who are in JamCoders this year and the computer lab has $k$ computers. We have more computers than students, so $k \geq n$. In how many different ways can the $k$ computers be occupied by the students?

Hint: Suppose we had the same number of students as computers ($k$). As we saw earlier, there are $k!$ different ways to assign those $k$ students to those computers. Call these assignments "full" assignments.

Now, what if we only had $n$ students? Given any full assignment of $k$ students, we could replace $k - n$ students with blank slots. That would leave us with a "blank" assignment of $n$ students and $k - n$ blank slots.

For example, let $k = 5$ and $n = 3$. Here is a sample "full" assignment:

Computers: 1  2  3  4  5
Students:  5  2  3  1  4

# Student 5 is assigned to computer 1, student 2 is assigned to computer 2, and
so on.

And by removing $k - n = 2$ students (in this example, let's always choose students 5 and 4), we can produce an assignment with blanks:

Computers: 1  2  3  4  5
Students:     2  3  1  

Notice that there are multiple "full" assignments that give us the same "blank" assignment. Indeed, when you remove students 5 and 4 from the following different full assignment, you arrive at the same "blank" assignment as above.

Computers: 1  2  3  4  5
Students:  4  2  3  1  5

# The same full assignment as above except with 5 and 4 swapped. But when 4 and
5 are removed, we arrive at the same blank assignment (try it!).

Recall again that there are $k!$ full assignments. For every blank assignment, how many corresponding full assignments are there? Can you express that number in terms of factorial ($!$) as well? How can you combine the number of full assignments with the number of full assignments that "map" to a blank assignment to find the number of blank assignments?

In [ ]:
def num_comp_assigns(n, k):
    """Computes the number of possible assignments of n students to k computers.

    Assume there are at least as many computers than students.

    Inputs: n, the number of students (int).
            k, the number of computers (int).
    Output: The number of possible assignments (int).
In [ ]:
# Test cases.
check(num_comp_assigns(5, 3), 20)
check(num_comp_assigns(10, 10), 1)
check(num_comp_assigns(1, 5), 5)
check(num_comp_assigns(0, 100), 1)


Did your solution to 2.2 Part A use recursion? Why or why not?

In [ ]:
ANSWER_4_2 = "Type your answer in this string."
In [ ]:
check(ANSWER_4_2 == "Type your answer in this string.", False)


Now write a recursive function recur_num_comp_assigns that computes the same value but DOES NOT use the function factorial.

In [ ]:
def recur_num_comp_assigns(n, k):
    """Computes the number of possible assignments of n students to k computers.

    Do NOT call the factorial() function.
    Assume there are at least as many computers than students.

    Inputs: n, the number of students (int).
            k, the number of computers (int).
    Output: The number of possible assignments (int).
In [ ]:
check(recur_num_comp_assigns(5, 3), 10)
check(recur_num_comp_assigns(10, 7), 120)
check(recur_num_comp_assigns(10, 10), 1)
check(recur_num_comp_assigns(5, 0), 1)