%run "boaz_utils.ipynb"
def neighbors(G,u):
return G[u]
def isedge(G,u,v):
return v in neighbors(G,u)
def vertices(G):
return list(range(len(G)))
def addedge(G,i,j):
if not j in G[i]:
def emptygraph(n):
return [[] for i in range(n)]
def undirect(G):
U = emptygraph(len(G))
for u in vertices(G):
for v in neighbors(G, u):
addedge(U, u, v)
addedge(U, v, u)
return U
def undir(G):
U = [[] for i in vertices(G)]
for i in vertices(G):
for j in neighbors(G,i):
return U
Given $i,j$ and a graph $G$: find out if $i$ has a path to $j$ (perhaps indirectly) in the graph
Here is a natural suggestion for a recursive algorithm:
$connected(i,j,G)$ is True if $i$ is a neighbor of $j$, and otherwise it is True if there is some neighbor $k$ of $i$ such that $k$ is connected to $j$.
Let's code it up try to see what happens:
def connected(source, target, G):
if source == target:
return True
for k in neighbors(G, source):
if connected(k, target, G):
return True
return False
G = undir([[1],[2],[3],[4],[]])
The problem is that we are getting into an infinite loop! We can fix this by remembering which vertices we visited.
def connected(source, target, G, visited = []):
if not (source in visited):
if source == target:
return True
#print('variables are now')
#print(str(source) + ' ' + str(target) + ' ' + str(visited))
for k in neighbors(G, source):
if not (k in visited):
if connected(k, target, G, visited):
return True
return False
G = undir([[1],[2],[3],[4],[]])
print(connected(0, 1, G, []))
#print('next one')
print(connected(0, 2, G, []))
G = undir([[1],[2],[0],[]])
print (connected(0,1,G) , connected(0,3,G))
def make_grid(n): # return a n by n grid with an isolated vertex
G = emptygraph(n*n)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
v = i*n+j
if i<n-1: addedge(G,v,(i+1)*n+j)
if j<n-1: addedge(G,v,i*n+j+1)
G = undir(G)
return G
def grid_input(n):
return (0,n*n,make_grid(n)+[[]])
(s,t,G) = grid_input(5)
draw_graph(G, "grid_layout")
# DFS = Depth First Search
def search(u, G, visited):
visited[u] = True
for v in neighbors(G, u):
if not visited[v]:
search(v, G, visited)
def dfs(source, target, G):
visited = [False]*len(G)
search(source, G, visited)
return visited[target]
G = undir([[1],[2],[0],[]])
print (dfs(0,1,G) , dfs(0,3,G))
G = undir([[1,4],[2],[3],[2],[0]])
# needs a queue
def create_queue():
return [0, []]
def enqueue(Q, x):
def dequeue(Q):
ans = Q[1][Q[0]]
Q[0] += 1
return ans
def queue_size(Q):
return len(Q[1]) - Q[0]
# return list of all distances from source to all other vertices
def bfs(source, G):
visited = [False]*len(G)
dist = [float('infinity')]*len(G)
Q = create_queue()
enqueue(Q, source)
dist[source] = 0
visited[source] = True
while queue_size(Q) > 0:
u = dequeue(Q)
for v in neighbors(G, u):
if not visited[v]:
enqueue(Q, v)
visited[v] = True
dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
return dist
# breadth first search
def bfs(source, target, G):
visited = [False]*len(G)
Q = create_queue()
enqueue(Q, source)
visited[source] = 0
while queue_size(Q) > 0:
u = dequeue(Q)
for v in neighbors(G, u):
if not visited[v]:
visited[v] = True
enqueue(Q, v)
return visited[target]
G = undir([[1],[2],[0],[]])
print(bfs(0, G))
# breadth first search
def bfs(source, G):
visited = [False]*len(G)
dist = [float('infinity')]*len(G)
Q = create_queue()
enqueue(Q, source)
visited[source] = 0
dist[source] = 0
while queue_size(Q) > 0:
u = dequeue(Q)
for v in neighbors(G, u):
if not visited[v]:
dist[v] = dist[u] + 1
visited[v] = True
enqueue(Q, v)
return dist
bfs(0, G)